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Posifon is an innovative business with close connections to its customer. Our head office is based in Gothenburg, Sweden.

This is our story:

2004: Posifon was founded by Peter Thörnblom and Hooman Tahamtani when they were working together on a project with the aim of creating a research unit in Gothenburg with a focus on IT solutions for the elderly. The main reason for the project was to make IT more accessible for elderly people as well as presenting solutions and ideas for improving an elderly person’s everyday life.

Peter Thörnblom has a background within telecom company Ericsson and within Volvo, which means a lot of experience within positioning technology och mobile services. It came naturally for one of the ideas in the project to be about GSM- and GPS techniques to achieve an increased sense of safety for elderly outside of their home.

With the support of Business Region Göteborg as well as from Interactive Institute, the idea was submitted as a contribution to the 2014 European satellite positioning project and their yearly idea competition of Gallileo. The contribution named “Guardian Angel” received the jury’s approval, and a proud Hooman received a miniature satellite as an award.
Although, the technique is not yet ready for development of the intended service.

2008: The founders are realising that the necessary technique is becoming small and flexible enough for development of a GPS based alarm with their requirements. With the support of the University of Borås, the incubator Espira and the Governmental institute of aid, the development began and Posifon was founded.

2009: Posifon acquired exclusive sales rights in Sweden, Norway and Denmark for the purposely build mobile phone GeoSKeeper, that was developed with the help of the Institute of Karolinska in Stockholm, Telia and of two swedish municipalities. After extensive testing, Posifon introduces a mobile safety solution to the market. The city of Borås became the first customer.

2010: Posifon expands the ownership group and develops the service at the same time as it is being tested in a number of councils around Sweden.

2011: With support from the Fund for Alzheimers and from the governmental assignment Technique for the elderly at the Governmental institute of aid, the Institute of Care Science at the University of Borås begin a scientific study about the beneficial effects of the usage of mobile safety alarms for people with dementia, their families and for society. The researchers are working alongside Posifon during the study.

2012: During this year, Posifon’s alarm is used by the participants in the scientific study. In total, 26 councils, 3 municipalities and one private care company takes part in the recruitment of participants. The study is completed by the end of the year and the results are presented. Read more.
At the same time, an extensive development of the company is taking place.

2013: Working with the Civil Defense Association, SPF Seniors, the Sea Rescue and other non profit organisations, the new non profit organisation Landräddningen is presented with its purpose to increase safety in the outdoors and to offer volunteer support for those who do not receive support in the usage of GPS alarms from the municipally founded care. Posifon is responsible for the operation and the technical development of the system and the apps belonging to Landräddningen.

2014: Posifon continues to grow and develop. The alarms are used in a European Union project and with the support from Vinnova, testing of the function of Landräddningen in the municipalities of Västerås and Gävle is begun. Researchers from the University of Borås and from the Health Univeristy of Jönköping take part in the testing, to study the beneficial effects of using the GPS functions. At the end of the year, the alarm created by Posifon is used in approximately 50 counties, but the counties are struggling with uncertainty regarding the views on the using from the Social board and the people in charge.

2015: The operation is developed further and in the late summer the company is launching the next generation of GPS alarms. With Keruve and GPS Smartsole the company once again takes a huge leap to renew how the usage of GPS alarms is being viewed.

2016: Posifon becomes the exclusive distributor in Sweden of the intelligent medicine dosage system Careousel. At the same time, Posifon Prevent is launched, taking the function of Careousel to a completely new level. Using Posifon Prevent, councils, counties, caregivers and family can easily and from a distance make sure that the user of Careousel takes their medication at the right dosage and at the right time.

The National Post and Telecom Agency (Post och telestyrelsen) appoints Landräddningen to winners in the call for an active leisure time. Posifon with partners will be awarded SEK 1 million to run Landräddningen´s project for 2 years with the goal of broadening the use of the service to a broader target group through a so-called design for all projects.

2017: Posifon has, together with 8 active municipalities, launched a R & D project aimed at jointly developing municipal work methodology, with new tools, models and routines. The municipalities that participated actively in the project were: Örebro Municipality, Östersund Municipality, Västerås City, Eskilstuna Municipality, Trelleborg Municipality, Tre Stiftelser in Gothenburg, Uddevalla Municipality, and Gävle Municipality. Part of the project including the development of the GPS System PosifonCare a system to support the methods and practices developed by the municipalities.

At the end of 2017, Posifon launches the GPS alarm Active, a well-designed device for the active seniors with long battery life. Finally, a GPS alarm that can replace the usual social alarms.

In 2017, Posifon wins a procurement of the city of Gothenburg. At year-end, Posifon’s alarm is used in nearly 100 municipalities.

2018: Posifon launched Medido in Sweden, a well-known medicin dispenser, for pouched packed medication, used by many customers around Europe. Medido is integrated into Prevent, the same portal as Careousel Advance GSM.

We launched PosifonCare, the alarm portal which have been developed in close collaboration with our customers and 8 active municipalities. PosifonCare enable our customers to fully customize the function according to customer needs in a simple and flexible manner. More and more procurements have emerged, and Posifon has won procurement in the regions of Västmanland, Sörmland, Uppsala, Gävleborg, Värmland and Örebro. Linked to medicine reminders, Posifon has won procurement in 10 Värmland municipalities.

MiniFinder Pico was launched by Posifon. MiniFinder Pico is a Swedish-developed product that you are integrated with PosifonCare.


What will happen next? Please contact us for a chat..