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Posifon AB is an IT/telecom company that, based on app- and mobile technology, develops new services for increased welfare. We are an innovative company with a close connection to our customers. Our vision is that everyone, regardless of age, family situation, living situation and ability should be able to feel safe, independent and part of a community. Safety and independence means a higher quality of life.
To fulfill the vision, Posifon will develop and offer adjusted mobile safety alarms with advanced additional services. Posifon is the leading player on the market for GPS based personal safety alarms, also called mobile safety alarms. We also work in Norway and we have plans to expand further.
Our services provides the possibility to be more independent without loosing out on the safety of the help from family or friends on short notice if needed. Posifon is a company with a close connection to our customer, and we value those relationships. We listen to our customers and users to be able to provide the right service in the right situations. Posifon are also responsible for operations and technical development within the non-profit organisation of Landräddningen. By being a part off them we increase the opportunity for the usage of GPS based safety alarms throughout the country. Safety is not just a matter for the elderly or for people with a cognitive impairment, it is a matter that concerns us all.
Since the creation of Posifon, we have been actively pushing the development for all of us to be able to use alarms that work even when outside. Please read about our history and contact us to learn more about how we together can develop the services of the future.