At Posifon, we place great emphasis on creating a scientific basis for the services we offer and ensuring their quality for use in Nordic healthcare and social care. We have participated in several research-driven projects with several universities, authorities, and important societal actors. In our knowledge bank, you can read reports from two such important projects that have been carried out.
Currently, we are involved in three different projects.
A research and development project led by Posifon in collaboration with the City of Gothenburg, Örebro Municipality, Nora Municipality, Östersund Municipality, Eskilstuna Municipality, Three Foundations, and the City of Västerås. Uddevalla Municipality, Gävle Municipality, and Trelleborg Municipality have also actively participated in the work. This project has been underway since 2016 with the goal of creating conditions and a common basis for the introduction of GPS alarms/mobile safety alarms on a large scale. In the project, the parties work together to develop the municipalities’ working methods and procedures for using the services and have specified requirements and developed a new operational system for GPS alarms, PosifonCare, which is more flexible and adapted to the needs of social care. A book based on the project results is currently being written.
Funder: Vinnova and the participating parties.
Posifon, together with the University of Skövde, SPF Seniorerna, the City of Gothenburg, the Municipality of Skövde, the Municipality of Nora, the Municipality of Höör, the Municipality of Mellerud, and the Municipal Federation for Health and Care in Norrtälje, has been granted research funding in a new and important area, quality assurance of mobile safety alarms. The project aims to develop a training and simulation environment for care staff, relatives, and volunteers with the goal of increasing safety and the ability to act safely in various alarm situations that may arise when using safety alarms, which can also be used outdoors. The goal is for care staff in the future to be able to train to handle different events in their daily lives.
The starting point is that when there is an opportunity to ensure that alarm situations are handled well, it will lead to many more people in need of a safety alarm being offered alarm functionality that also works outside the home. Together, we will now develop a scientifically proven training environment and hope to change the balance between 1030 mobile and 217,000 stationary safety alarms in Swedish homes. This is to give more people the opportunity to have greater mobility with maintained safety outside the home.
Participating researchers: Joeri Van Laere, Catharina Gillsjö, Jonas Mellin, and Hanife Rexhepi from the University of Skövde and Ella Kolkowska from Örebro University.
Funder: Vinnova and the participating parties.
Together with the University West, the Västra Götaland Region, and 12 other partners in Sweden and Norway, an Interreg project is being conducted with the aim of developing healthcare in both countries. The project’s goal is to create long-term cooperation arenas for companies with close contacts with healthcare providers, with the aim for the companies to have access to a business-based test bed to create new and innovative products, services, and working methods for effective and close care for the population, using digitization. Together with our partner Dignio A/S and the other parties, Posifon is working here to verify our services regarding medicine and health monitoring.
More information:
Funder:EU and the participating parties.